veritas forum

The biggest myth about Jesus | N.T. Wright at UT Austin

The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Ancient Fiction? | N.T. Wright (Oxford) at UT Austin

The Bible and age of the earth? | John Lennox at SMU

Atheist to Christian | Dr. Rosalind Picard (MIT)

How Christianity Fulfilled My Search For Meaning: A Math Professor Shares | Francis Su (Harvey Mudd)

The Loud Absence: Where is God in Suffering? | John Lennox at Harvard Medical School

Did the Universe Come From Nothing? John Lennox Explores.

How will we know when Jesus is coming back? | N.T. Wright at UT Austin

Why Are You Here? Because God Wanted You. | John Lennox at Brown

The Two Mistakes We Make When Thinking About God & Science | John Lennox

Changing My Mind: A Skeptical Professor Meets a Surprising God | Molly Worthen at Texas A&M

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#VeritasForum | Can We Engineer a Perfect World? Tyler VanderWeele at MIT

Fake It 'Til You Make It? A Christian Psychiatrist Explains the Challenge of Imposter Syndrome

The Bible: Gospel, Guide, or Garbage - N.T. Wright and Daniel Bonevac at UT Austin

#VeritasForum | Explore 5 Popular John Lennox Videos | Veritas Playlist

Can We Create Our Own Purpose? Two Experts Explore. | Curt Thompson & Victor Strecher

Is AI a Threat to Human Dignity? | Rosalind Picard & Max Tegmark at MIT

You Might Only Get 1 More Year With Your Parents. What Will You Do About It? | Hawkins & Kagan

How I reconcile evolutionary theory and my belief in God as Creator | John Lennox at Claremont

Veritas Forum: Is de mens een machine?

The Loud Absence: Where is God Amidst Suffering and Evil? | John Lennox at Stanford

Hardest question we have to face | John Lennox at SMU

Why Should I Forgive? | John Lennox at Princeton